Some examples of my teaching and teaching resources


Statics is a core engineering course where students learn the basics of structural mechanics in engineering. It was one of my favorites as a student as I saw a lot of applications! Given statics is a sophomore class, I try to incorporate topics from other sophomore classes such as programming and statistics into statics such that the student can learn to combine concepts from different classes. More on that on Are we teaching engineering in Silos?

I also have a interactive examples in which I cover concepts from:

I try to keep these examples simple but still tied to real world applications!

For the ones who love an AI chatbot, I created a GPT called Rigid Body of Knowledge which contains various statics books and websites as resources and is accessible through ChatGPT! It offers help to students on all relevant topics and it can also solve numerical questions via the built in code interpreter. Keep in mind that GPT's can make errors!

Sustainable Pavement Design and Analysis

In this course we cover most aspects of pavement engineering. Materials, mechanistic analysis, design, assessment, management, sustainability, machine learning applications and more. 

To teach the concepts better, I use these interactive examples of:

More is on the way!

Of course, again for the ones who love an AI chatbot, I created a GPT called Pavement Doctor  which offers access to an extensive array of resources, including textbooks, scientific literature, and reports, covering a breadth of topics in pavement engineering. Check it out and ask your pavement-related questions!